Pathways: Tales for the Spiritual Seeker
Inspiring tales with practical wisdom and guided reflections
Choose What Fits Your Needs
Feeds Your Spiritual Hunger
Guides You on Your Quest for Wholeness
From: Janice M. Puta
Date: 2011
Dear friends and spiritual seekers,
It all counts, every step of the way. I've had many careers and many jobs over the years, always searching for the right place to be, the right thing to be doing with my life. Little did I realize I was already doing it and didn't know it. Whether it was for a few years or many more than I planned on, all the places I lived and worked in were part of the lessons I needed to learn to write this book.
What do you want to do with your life?
At times I thought it was about getting someplace, doing something, meeting someone, and then I would finally feel complete and whole. What I understand now is that the learning experience is in the process, in the journey. What I wanted to do with my life and who I wanted to be were exactly what I was doing when I felt the nudge to change jobs, go back to school, leave a relationship, ask for help, and followed that guidance. My life, my dreams, my destiny were unfolding before me with every turn in the road.
Where are you going to get your travel plans?
A lot of spiritual seekers ask how to be on purpose with their life, how to know what it is they came here to do and to be. Our travel plans always show up for us when we need them and when we are ready to pay attention to them. Sometimes it's things our friends tell us, sometimes it’s the opening in another department or company, sometimes it’s the books we read and the classes or seminars we are attracted to.
Who is going to be your travel agent?
And then comes the moment of sorting it all out, trying to find the nugget of wisdom in all the information. We all have one of the most sublime confidants available to us, our own Inner Wisdom, Higher Consciousness, Spirit, with a true connection to the Source, Divine Love, God, or by whatever Name we name IT. However, this intimate and wonderful part of ourselves does not have a cell phone with a speed dial number to directly connect to our conscious mind. For two-way communication to be successful between this great inner confidant and ourselves, a few simple operating instructions are helpful.
How are you going to stay in touch with your travel agent?
Each inspiring tale in this book offers clear, concise, effective, and transforming wisdom to encourage you to be aware of and to connect to your Inner Wisdom or Higher Consciousness. The easy-to-use reflections at the end of each chapter invite you into exercises to practice communicating with your Inner Wisdom or Higher Self. Through reflection and journaling, you deepen and grow this connection as you gently ponder and explore your own spiritual journey.
With the help of your own inner, spiritual travel agent:
- In Chapter 1, "Wind Walker," discover the path of contemplative stillness.
- In Chapter 2, "The Peace-of-the-People," review the path of unconditional love.
- In Chapter 3, "A New Heart for the Willow," learn about the path of trust and surrender.
- In Chapter 4, "The Light Within," practice the path of connecting to source.
- In Chapter 5, "The Father’s House," envision the path of answering the call.
- In Chapter 6, "Three Barrels of Wine," consider the path of good self-care.
- In Chapter 7, "Ties that Bind," own the path of wise boundaries.
- In Chapter 8, "The Teacher and the Dolls," nurture the path of growing the inner child.
- In Chapter 9, "Make Room for the Dark Child," explore the path of befriending the shadow self.
- In Chapter 10, "In the Land of Two," reflect on the path of solidarity.
- In Chapter 11, "The Healer of Broken Hearts," remember the path of mending relationships.
- In Chapter 12, "The Land of Many Labels," choose the path of clear insight.
- In Chapter 13, "The City of Chains," walk the path of self-empowerment.
Who is going to be your companion on your journey?
Let me walk with you through the pages of this book. I've already gone ahead and checked out the route for you. I'm here to hold your hand when you need someone to support you, to answer your questions, to affirm the hope you are looking for in your life, to point the way to the Light you know you need and want to have along the way.
Looking forward to being on the journey with you,
Praise for "Pathways: Tales For the Spiritual Seeker"
"Puta is Wayne Dyer without the egomania, Marianne Williamson without the mush, and Mother Teresa without the guilt complex. 'Pathways: Tales for the Spiritual Seeker' really is a companion - a beloved friend who holds your hand and helps you be your best version of yourself."
-- Lee Reinsch, former Metro reporter GreenBay Press-Gazette; Wisconsin
"The stories captivated me. The questions and reflections took me in, inviting me to go deep. Perfect for anyone, any place along this spiritual journey we call life."
-- Susan L. Reid, M.S., D.M.A., small business start-up consultant,; Penn Laird, Virginia
"In a very concrete way, Jan has put together a number of stories that bring us to the heart of our inner world. She gives us the opportunity to uncover realities of our deepest self in the context of private joy and personal happiness. May your journey with this master teacher bring you to valuable and enlightening places."
-- Michael A Ketterhagen, Ph.D., associate professor of Theology, Marian College; spiritual director of the Fond du Lac Center for Spirituality and Healing; Wisconsin
"Jan's creative short stories are followed by thoughtful and heartfelt questions which help put focus on those nagging questions of ‘Who am I?’ ‘What am I here for?’ and ‘How can I get there?’ If these have ever been your questions, read on and enjoy."
-- Anita Meyer, retired social worker; Wisconsin
"Pathways: Tales for the Spiritual Seeker is like a cool, refreshing drink of water on a sweltering day. These tales will slow you down, nourish your spirit, and bring you a lovely sense of calm. You'll turn to this book many times. Enjoy each word and quiet joy."
-- Lynne Klippel, author, publisher, and host of; Missouri
"Each of these tales evokes an emotional reaction that leads me to further investigation and understanding of myself. The rich details form a clear visual in my mind that I can return to in an instant, whenever I need to. There's a story here for every situation, and I find it soothing to focus on the parts of each one that are relevant to the events in my life."
-- Dana Weekley, writer, blogger, entrepreneur, mother; New Jersey
"The stories are charming and will be very useful in group work or for retreats. I think that young teens would especially benefit and grow from the discussion of these tales. Puta makes complex spiritual concepts accessible to all!"
-- Susan Ciesla, former executive director, Fond du Lac Center for Spirituality & Healing; Wisconsin
"These short tales of wisdom took me on a path of recognition to the places where my soul's journey has been and places within that have yet to be explored. Truly an affirmation for me that I am not alone, that I am connected to a source of oneness and spiritual wisdom."
-- AnnaMaria Casper, Reiki Master/teacher; Wisconsin