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Our Spiral Journey

Services in Healing and Wholeness by Janice M. Puta, BS

Information and Appointments

The home office of Our Spiral Journey is located in Ocala, FL, USA. All of the healing and wellness services are available to adults across the United States and around the world in private telephone sessions. Because these services are grounded in energy work, EF&H as well as Prosperity Guidance and Dreamwork are convenient and effective over the telephone.

Email: janice@ourspiraljourney.com
Office: (352) 615-7745

(Please leave a message: your name, phone number,
services you are interested in, best times to call you back.)

Tales for the Spiritual Seeker

Spiritual Response Therapy

SRT is a system of researching the subconscious mind and soul records to quickly find and release the discordant, limiting ideas and replace them with loving, supportive ideas and beliefs. SRT provides an exacting, powerful, virtually painless and accurate way of changing the landscape of our inner and outer lives. Click here to learn more.

Certified Emotional Freedom & Healing Facilitator

Clears and releases emotional triggers from traumatic events and relationships in short-term and effective sessions.

  • Home study course from originator of EF&H, Richard Ross.
  • Personal healing resources from renowned energy therapist, Carol Tuttle.

Certified Spiritual Director

Offers Spiritual Direction and Directed Retreats to men and women, lay and religious.

Dreamwork Mentor

Teaches Jungian dream interpretation to clients as needed to claim the personal power of dreams and honor the significant truth of nightmares and reoccurring dreams.

PPP Certified Prosperity Guide

Mentors clients towards a more fulfilling and prosperous career, love relationship, life pattern with the tools and concepts of the renowned Prosperity Partnership Program.

Free two week experience in the Prosperity Partnership Program.

The Prosperity Game

The new on-line Prosperity Game is now available to play! Would you like to participate in a game where hundreds of people challenge themselves to spend thousands of "virtual" dollars over a three-week period?

Can you imagine doing so if one of the benefits of the game promised to be that you'd become more magnetic to money in your real life? Join Elyse Hope Killoran, founder of the Prosperity Partnership, in playing the latest evolution of "The Prosperity Game."

It's new. It's interactive. It's fun. It's free! Learn more at: Prosperity Game.

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